Ep 117 | How to Lead Personalization with Ben Malki of Dynamic Yield
"Leaders succeed when there is accountability and ownership behind personalization efforts."
Ben Malki

Ep. 105 | Building the DTC channel with Spindrift’s Calvin Lammers
Analysts don't get the credit for the amount of work and insights to empower business leaders. This is a crucial part of our ecommerce team.
Calvin Lammers

Ep. 103 | Customer Tribes with Tim Ash
Have a point of view, a voice, an editorial stance. Authenticity is a huge advantage.
Tim Ash

Ep. 97 | 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. 25 years of Digital Leadership
We are not overly attached to any one idea or product. We continuously solve for the customer need, while remaining platform and technology agnostic.
Sumantro 'Sumo' Das

Ep. 93 | Get More from Retail Technology w Nixon’s Gary Penn
Look at ecommerce in steps. Can I convert on any device? Then can I touch it, feel it, smell it?
Gary Penn

Ep. 84 | Amazon – Customer-Centric Sales Channel
Advertisers on Amazon can target shoppers based on what we've researched, looked at and bought, or not. This rich audience targeting is not available elsewhere and you don't have to be selling on Amazon to use it.
Kiri Masters

Ep. 62 | Cultivating Customers with Elea Feit
We're trying to build a relationship with a customer on a 1:1 level - just like the real world.
Elea Feit

Ep. 56 | 3 Marketing Myths with Steven Sashen
There are no best practices. What works for one person may not work for you.
Steven Sashen

Ep. 44 | Generating Quality Customers
Our brand is about feminine strength, inspiration and joy. Our target demo was coming but so were women who were a lot older.
Kate Fernandez