Ep. 128 | Customer Data Privacy: Who Has The Right To Use It? with Richard Whitt
There is no data point that’s exactly the same as another data point because the context around it is always different, and that context often gets lost in the data stream when companies are trying to take a look at us.
Richard Whitt

Ep 116 | Nine Questions to Unpack the Hype of ANY Technology Vendor
Actionable insights spring from high quality technology.
Allison Hartsoe

Ep 115 | How to Build a Cost-Effective Customer-Centric Technology Stack
Most customer-centric technologies fail because they overpromise, the technology is inflexible, and it takes too much time to implement.
Tisson Mathew

Ep. 106 | Secret Customer Scores with Wharton’s Sarah Toms
Companies cannot just flick a switch and assume everything this consumer did with different brands is immediately applicable to mine.
Sarah Toms

Ep. 104 | 2020 Customer-Centric Predictions
"There's no better way to accelerate than through the deep understanding of your customer base."
Allison Hartsoe

Ep. 103 | Customer Tribes with Tim Ash
Have a point of view, a voice, an editorial stance. Authenticity is a huge advantage.
Tim Ash

Ep. 94 | Creating Happy Customers via Compliance
Privacy should be part of your culture, the fabric of your company.
Jodi Daniels

Ep. 92 | Managing the Fabric of Customer Data
Analysts spend 80% of their time finding the assets, then risk reinventing the wheel when they can't stand on previous knowledge.
Bob Page

Ep. 91 | Human-centered AI with Jen Stirrup of Data Relish
The most successful companies are the ones that put the customer at the heart of their AI vision.
Jennifer Stirrup

Ep. 89 | Next Generation Data Warehouse with Claudia Imhoff (Part 2)
To push customer experience, I need to know what you're doing right now. This brings in a whole different world of tech.
Claudia Imhoff

Ep. 88 | Next Generation Data Warehouse (Part 1) with Claudia Imhoff
To push customer experience, I need to know what you're doing right now. This brings in a whole different world of tech.
Claudia Imhoff

Ep. 86 | The Business Roundtable’s New Focus
Classic Wall Street thinking treats the customer as a by-product of store locations and product launches. This is not customer-centric.
Allison Hartsoe

Ep. 78 | Learning From Others with Rich Fox
When you boil it down we are all trying to accomplish the same two things: grow revenue and improve margins.
Rich Fox

Ep. 72 | The CAO Conference in a Nutshell
More than data storytellers, cross threaders work to unite one organization under data.
Allison Hartsoe

Ep. 66 | The Truth about CDPs with Joe Stanhope
We see the lack of definition around CDPs as a problem. My clients need to know what they're buying.
Joe Stanhope

Ep. 65 | Beyond CDPs: Customer Intelligence
People think that if my product spits out a CLV, it's going to work. But you never know what data it's using. That's dangerous.
Michael Greenberg

Ep. 64 | Classifying CDPs with Jimi Li
There is not a one-size-fits-all CDP solution. Start with your use case to narrow the pack.
Jimi Li

Ep. 61 | Big Ideas for Retailers from eTail West
Once you hit the level of trusted advisor, you are in the breakaway pack.
Allison Hartsoe

EP. 60 | Smart Technologies from eTail West
There were 161 vendors at eTail West and they were all saying almost the same thing.
Allison Hartsoe