Ep. 123 | Customer-driven Data Science with Albertsons Colleen Qiu
At Tesla, eBay and now Albertsons the customer focus is part of the core strategy from the leadership team.
Colleen Qiu

Ep. 110 | Scaling a Startup with Data, Barkha Saxena, Poshmark CDO
We want to create value for the community through data.
Barkha Saxena

Ep. 106 | Secret Customer Scores with Wharton’s Sarah Toms
Companies cannot just flick a switch and assume everything this consumer did with different brands is immediately applicable to mine.
Sarah Toms

Ep. 100 | The Evolution of Customer Analytics at Electronic Arts
Sometimes I think about my groups like a consulting organization. We have to pick the right products based on their position on the curve.
Zachary Anderson

Ep. 96 | Designing Data for Business Decisions Part 2
Good designers sit at intersection of data, analytics, business, and customer. They make sure outcomes are aligned with value.
Brian O'Neill

Ep. 95 | Designing Data for Business Decisions
Good designers sit at intersection of data, analytics, business, and customer. They make sure outcomes are aligned with value.
Brian O'Neill

Ep. 92 | Managing the Fabric of Customer Data
Analysts spend 80% of their time finding the assets, then risk reinventing the wheel when they can't stand on previous knowledge.
Bob Page

Ep. 91 | Human-centered AI with Jen Stirrup of Data Relish
The most successful companies are the ones that put the customer at the heart of their AI vision.
Jennifer Stirrup

Ep. 89 | Next Generation Data Warehouse with Claudia Imhoff (Part 2)
To push customer experience, I need to know what you're doing right now. This brings in a whole different world of tech.
Claudia Imhoff

Ep. 88 | Next Generation Data Warehouse (Part 1) with Claudia Imhoff
To push customer experience, I need to know what you're doing right now. This brings in a whole different world of tech.
Claudia Imhoff

Ep. 87 | Customer Targeting Gone Wrong: The Big Fish News Story
Pause, take a moment and ask, should we target these people? What could go wrong?
Allison Hartsoe

Ep. 86 | The Business Roundtable’s New Focus
Classic Wall Street thinking treats the customer as a by-product of store locations and product launches. This is not customer-centric.
Allison Hartsoe

Ep. 79 | Visual Data Disasters with Alberto Cairo
I recommend to people to stop for a second. Think about the nature of the data. More importantly, think about what it is that you want to communicate.
Alberto Cairo

Ep. 78 | Learning From Others with Rich Fox
When you boil it down we are all trying to accomplish the same two things: grow revenue and improve margins.
Rich Fox

Ep. 76 | Naked Statistics. A candid book review.
It's true when you put the word "naked" in front of just about anything it becomes exciting.
Allison Hartsoe

Ep. 72 | The CAO Conference in a Nutshell
More than data storytellers, cross threaders work to unite one organization under data.
Allison Hartsoe

Ep. 66 | The Truth about CDPs with Joe Stanhope
We see the lack of definition around CDPs as a problem. My clients need to know what they're buying.
Joe Stanhope

Ep. 64 | Classifying CDPs with Jimi Li
There is not a one-size-fits-all CDP solution. Start with your use case to narrow the pack.
Jimi Li

EP. 60 | Smart Technologies from eTail West
There were 161 vendors at eTail West and they were all saying almost the same thing.
Allison Hartsoe

Ep. 58 | Budgeting for Data Science Projects
If you want to do something transformative and new, there's no other way. You have to put skin in the game.
Jose Murillo