Ep. 122 | Lifelong Connections with Consumers with Jeff Nemeth at Ford
"Trust builds loyalty and loyalty builds customer lifetime value."
Jeff Nemeth

Ep 118 | How to Drive Change using Data Storytelling with Brent Dykes
"Data is just one pillar. Combine the narrative and visuals to create change."
Brent Dykes

Ep 117 | How to Lead Personalization with Ben Malki of Dynamic Yield
"Leaders succeed when there is accountability and ownership behind personalization efforts."
Ben Malki

Ep. 100 | The Evolution of Customer Analytics at Electronic Arts
Sometimes I think about my groups like a consulting organization. We have to pick the right products based on their position on the curve.
Zachary Anderson

Ep. 96 | Designing Data for Business Decisions Part 2
Good designers sit at intersection of data, analytics, business, and customer. They make sure outcomes are aligned with value.
Brian O'Neill

Ep. 95 | Designing Data for Business Decisions
Good designers sit at intersection of data, analytics, business, and customer. They make sure outcomes are aligned with value.
Brian O'Neill

Ep. 85 | Hubspots Voice of Customer Journey with Amanda Whyte
One of the first things we had to do was go evaluate where is all of our customer feedback coming from and what's being done with it?
Amanda Whyte

Ep. 84 | Amazon – Customer-Centric Sales Channel
Advertisers on Amazon can target shoppers based on what we've researched, looked at and bought, or not. This rich audience targeting is not available elsewhere and you don't have to be selling on Amazon to use it.
Kiri Masters

Ep. 82 | Quantifying CX with Michael Allenson
You cannot game customer lifetime value the same way net promoter score can be gamed.
Michael Allenson

Ep. 81 | Customer Data as an Asset with Doug Laney
It's imperative for companies to treat data as an asset - and it meets the definition of an asset - but accountants don't currently allow it.
Doug Laney

Ep. 69 | How to Set-up a Testing Program
We're digital anthropologists so our job is to discern what people are trying to do. Testing is one way to sort that out.
Loren Hadley

Ep. 66 | The Truth about CDPs with Joe Stanhope
We see the lack of definition around CDPs as a problem. My clients need to know what they're buying.
Joe Stanhope

Ep. 62 | Cultivating Customers with Elea Feit
We're trying to build a relationship with a customer on a 1:1 level - just like the real world.
Elea Feit

Ep. 43 | The Customer Revolution is Here
It's not 1980, it's the 21st century; and connecting well with the right customers matters more to than ever before.
Allison Hartsoe