Ep. 107 | Customer-centric subscriptions with Trade Coffee’s Mike Lackman
The pipes to create subscriptions are way easier, but running a good subscription model is still really hard.
Mike Lackman

Ep. 105 | Building the DTC channel with Spindrift’s Calvin Lammers
Analysts don't get the credit for the amount of work and insights to empower business leaders. This is a crucial part of our ecommerce team.
Calvin Lammers

Ep. 103 | Customer Tribes with Tim Ash
Have a point of view, a voice, an editorial stance. Authenticity is a huge advantage.
Tim Ash

Ep. 101 | Customer-centric growth with NakedWines.com
A test and learn culture is critical to customer-centric success.
Greg Banbury

Ep. 97 | 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. 25 years of Digital Leadership
We are not overly attached to any one idea or product. We continuously solve for the customer need, while remaining platform and technology agnostic.
Sumantro 'Sumo' Das

Ep. 90 | Black Friday with Pete Fader
Black Friday is the day when you identify your worst customers and treat them like royalty.
Peter Fader

Ep. 85 | Hubspots Voice of Customer Journey with Amanda Whyte
One of the first things we had to do was go evaluate where is all of our customer feedback coming from and what's being done with it?
Amanda Whyte

Ep. 84 | Amazon – Customer-Centric Sales Channel
Advertisers on Amazon can target shoppers based on what we've researched, looked at and bought, or not. This rich audience targeting is not available elsewhere and you don't have to be selling on Amazon to use it.
Kiri Masters

Ep. 83 | Amazon Prime Day vs Alibaba Singles Day
Alibaba Singles Day sales overwhelmed Amazon Prime Day in only 10 minutes. After 20 minutes it eclipsed Black Friday's sales as well.
Alessandra Bruni

Ep. 77 | Five Questions Marketers Need to Answer
These questions first came about because I get a bit of a nerdy thrill when I lift the covers on a company's website to see what kind of data they are capturing.
Allison Hartsoe

Ep. 73 | The Evolution of Marketing Analytics
As the web analytics industry grew up, we discovered people who had been doing marketing analysis for generations.
Jim Sterne

Ep. 71 | Customer Loyalty with Pete Fader
True loyalty emerges when you reduce the switching costs and people stay with you anyway.
Pete Fader

Ep. 67 | Deepening the Customer Experience
At the heart of our company, we care very much about who our customers are, and these are all ways we show them how much we care.
Diane Le

Ep. 63 | Hari Mari’s Valuable Customer Community
There is a healthy argument to be made that if you're just looking at bottom line ROI you won't be a brand for long.
Jeremy Stewart

Ep. 59 | Managing Up with Michelle Rovner
I don't want to just complete a task. I want to contribute.
Michelle Rovner

Ep. 56 | 3 Marketing Myths with Steven Sashen
There are no best practices. What works for one person may not work for you.
Steven Sashen

Ep. 49 | New Retailers’ Customer Analytics Strategies
Deep, comprehensive customer knowledge should be your #1 priority.
Allison Hartsoe

Ep. 48 | Old vs New Retail with Ed Kleban
What we run through the pipes and tubes matters.
Ed Kleban

Ep. 47 | Black Friday with Pete Fader
Black Friday is the day when you identify your worst customers and treat them like royalty.
Peter Fader