Ep. 126 | The New Normal For Retail with Denise Lee Yohn
I always say that your brand is what you do and how you do it. So as a leader you need to make sure that you are leading your organization in a way that is aligned with your brand vision.
Denise Lee Yohn

Ep. 125 | Learning from Politics: How Momentum Impacts Your Business with Mike Berland of Decode M
There are 5 drivers of momentum… we talk about disruption, we talk about innovation, we talk about polarization, we talk about sticky issues, and we talk about social impact.
Mike Berland

Ep 120 | Should you discount during COVID?
"The right discount strategy now is a function of your data maturity and consumer demand during COVID. I made a 2x2 grid to help."
Allison Hartsoe

Ep 114 | The Rise of the New C-levels with Dave Mathison from CDO Club
What I feel is happening around the hybrid CDAO title is that the real strategic role is in analytics, not data.
Dave Mathison

Ep. 112 | How to manage through the COVID-19 crisis
The COVID-19 crisis can be an opportunity to emerge as a better business.
Gregory Shephard

Ep. 111 | How to Grow Your Business Using a North Star
There is no reason to accept a 90% failure rate among entrepreneurs.
Gregory Shephard

Ep. 110 | Scaling a Startup with Data, Barkha Saxena, Poshmark CDO
We want to create value for the community through data.
Barkha Saxena

Ep. 107 | Customer-centric subscriptions with Trade Coffee’s Mike Lackman
The pipes to create subscriptions are way easier, but running a good subscription model is still really hard.
Mike Lackman

Ep. 104 | 2020 Customer-Centric Predictions
"There's no better way to accelerate than through the deep understanding of your customer base."
Allison Hartsoe

Ep. 101 | Customer-centric growth with NakedWines.com
A test and learn culture is critical to customer-centric success.
Greg Banbury

Ep. 93 | Get More from Retail Technology w Nixon’s Gary Penn
Look at ecommerce in steps. Can I convert on any device? Then can I touch it, feel it, smell it?
Gary Penn

Ep. 90 | Black Friday with Pete Fader
Black Friday is the day when you identify your worst customers and treat them like royalty.
Peter Fader

Ep. 89 | Next Generation Data Warehouse with Claudia Imhoff (Part 2)
To push customer experience, I need to know what you're doing right now. This brings in a whole different world of tech.
Claudia Imhoff

Ep. 88 | Next Generation Data Warehouse (Part 1) with Claudia Imhoff
To push customer experience, I need to know what you're doing right now. This brings in a whole different world of tech.
Claudia Imhoff

Ep. 86 | The Business Roundtable’s New Focus
Classic Wall Street thinking treats the customer as a by-product of store locations and product launches. This is not customer-centric.
Allison Hartsoe

Ep. 83 | Amazon Prime Day vs Alibaba Singles Day
Alibaba Singles Day sales overwhelmed Amazon Prime Day in only 10 minutes. After 20 minutes it eclipsed Black Friday's sales as well.
Alessandra Bruni

Ep. 82 | Quantifying CX with Michael Allenson
You cannot game customer lifetime value the same way net promoter score can be gamed.
Michael Allenson

Ep. 75 | Retail Reimagination with Steve Dennis
You really have to understand the customer's needs and the economics of delivering on them.
Steve Dennis

Ep. 67 | Deepening the Customer Experience
At the heart of our company, we care very much about who our customers are, and these are all ways we show them how much we care.
Diane Le

Ep. 54 | 2019 Predictions Show with Dan McCarthy
We're starting to form a report card for key customer-based KPIs that puts companies head to head on all major dimensions.
Dan McCarthy